It was the 2008 melamine baby powder scandal that finally made food safety a national priority in China. And the 2016 vaccine scandal may be what similarly finally wakes Chinese consumers up to the issue of drug safety. Unfortunately, sick newborns may again be the mobilizing image (this article is published by Jeffrey Towson)
The West won't let the matter drop: the Chinese economy is increaslngly threatened by the bubble of its indebtedness. This threat is causing a real tightening-up on the political front as the 19th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party in October approaches. But closer analysis reveals that the real situation is quite different (this article is published by David Baverez)
As major global financial and innovation centers compete to become the “world’s Fintech hub”, China has not only caught up but rather leapfrogged major cities such as New York, Silicon Valley, and London (this article was published in Cointelegraph)
China’s big electric vehicle push is about to get even bigger: The country is planning to end the sale of fossil fuel-powered vehicles entirely, with regulators working currently on a timetable of when the ban will ultimately take effect, according to Bloomberg (this article was published on Techcrunch).